to manage the onboarding process

Keep track of the candidates and hire the best employees for your company by using an applicant tracking system. Helps employers manage the entire recruitment process, including job postings, applicant tracking, resume screening, interviewing, and hiring.


Improve Your Job Postings for Maximum ATS Visibility

Helps employers to streamline their recruitment process, makes it easier to sort through hundreds of resumes quickly, and tracks candidates throughout the hiring process. Allows employers to conduct background checks and tests on potential candidates quickly and easily.

ats leave note
real-time tracking

Real-time Tracking

Enable screen, webcam, and mic recording to monitor the devices and work of the candidates.

build flows with nodes

Build Flows With Nodes

Create custom flows for your company's recruitment process by using nodes. Automate everything from sending notifications to setting event triggers.

create automated flows

Create Automated Flows

Add a trigger name, choose a call flow, and create an automated flow to outline the steps involved in onboarding new employees.

What is an ATS?

An ATS (Applicant Tracking System) is a software application that enables the electronic handling of recruitment needs. An ATS can be used by an organization or by a recruitment agency to track and manage job applications, as well as to store candidate information in a database.

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